Sustainability Plan

Nature is at the core of everything we do
AlgaeCal is an all-natural, plant-based calcium sustainably harvested off the Atlantic coast of South America.

We are committed to creating the world’s best calcium supplement while working to leave the Earth (and our oceans) better for future generations.

We’re making a difference

Protecting our bones by protecting our planet

Our clinically-supported natural solution for building stronger bones for life includes an effort to protect the oceans that are home to our precious algae. We capture algae that’s washed to shore and don’t disrupt the fragile marine ecosystem in the ocean. We host company beach cleanup days where AlgaeCal teammates collect and safely discard refuse.

When it comes to sustainability, we work hard every day to do a little better than we did the day before. That’s why we created our Four Pillars of Sustainability.

"The ocean provides the lifeblood of our product. We have a responsibility to care for the ocean and the Earth not just to secure our business future but to ensure we have a hospitable, healthy planet to share for generations to come."

—Dean Neuls, Co-Founder of AlgaeCal

Pillar 1

Clean Oceans

AlgaeCal is proud to partner with Plastic Bank, a radical new social enterprise that stops plastic waste entering the oceans.

Every day millions of plastic bottles enter the marine environment. And it’s predicted that by 2050 this plastic will outweigh all the fish in our oceans.

Plastic Bank is changing that. They’ve opened recycling centers in some of the world’s poorest communities. For example, in Haiti, plastic waste is collected by 3,500 plastic collectors. These independent entrepreneurs collect plastic from their local community. They might pick it up from a local market, gather it from a river bank, or even from a beach. This plastic, which would otherwise end up in the ocean, is then deposited into “accounts” at Plastic Bank. This provides collectors with an income, and pays for essentials such as healthcare, groceries, and school tuition for their children. And the collected plastic is then reborn as ‘Social Plastic” and reintroduced into the global manufacturing supply chain.

AlgaeCal customers can make a small contribution to Plastic Bank. And whatever our customers contribute - we'll match (up to $5,000).

pillar 1

Stop Ocean Pollution

Every $1 contribution, matched by AlgaeCal to reach $2, keeps 180 plastic bottles from entering our oceans.

Pillar 2

Responsibly Harvested

AlgaeCal’s clinically supported bone-building formula is sourced from a unique strain of plant-based algae found on the Atlantic coastline of South America - Mesophyllum superpositum. These kiwi-sized balls of living algae attach themselves to seaweed on the ocean floor. Then, after 180 days, the algae naturally detach from the seaweed and wash ashore, where they are sustainably hand-harvested. This hard-harvesting limits our impact on the local ecology. There’s no digging or dredging – each ball of algae is hand-picked at low tide. This minimizes our impact on the marine ecosystem.

pillar 2
Pillar 3

Waste Reduction

We strive to minimize environmental impact by reducing packaging, using recyclable materials whenever possible, and maximizing the use of low-impact materials. Our team is currently performing stability studies on packaging materials that will further reduce our carbon footprint.

pillar 3
Pillar 4

It Starts With Us

We know that caring for the environment begins at home with each and every one of us. That’s why you won’t find any single-use plastics in our eco-friendly office. We don’t just talk about environmentalism – we live it! We turn off lights whenever we can, recycle as much as we can, and, once a month, we gather to pick up litter from the beach near our office.

pillar 4

Learn About Our Algae

Traditional calcium supplements are made from rocks and, at best, can only slow your rate of bone loss. AlgaeCal is different

Our unique red algae, Mesophyllum superpositum is responsibly harvested off the coast of South America and contains calcium plus the 13 minerals you need to build strong bones. And because it’s plant-based, it’s more easily digested and absorbed by your body. That’s why only AlgaeCal is clinically supported to actually increase bone density. Guaranteed.