AlgaeCal Community

The AlgaeCal Community

Where you and your fellow AlgaeCal customers can connect, get questions answered by bone health experts, and celebrate stronger bones together

What is The AlgaeCal Community?

The AlgaeCal Community is a FREE online community only for AlgaeCal customers.

If you’ve ever purchased an AlgaeCal product, you’re eligible to join this online community at no cost.

Why an online community?

Because we know our customers get so much more from their AlgaeCal experience when they have a support system…

And because we know that when it comes to building stronger bones, people love to connect with others who are on the same journey to better health.

So, with that in mind, we created a place for AlgaeCal customers to come together to share their stories, get their questions answered, and give and receive support.

Why Join The AlgaeCal Community?

As a member of The AlgaeCal Community, you’ll be surrounded by over 20,000 like-minded people—strong women and men from all over the world—who are all on the bone-building journey together…

And you’ll get to share your wins and celebrate your achievements, as well as get encouragement and support when you’re feeling down.

Plus, as a Community member, you’ll have lifetime access to benefits you can’t get anywhere else – not even on the AlgaeCal website.

Benefits like…

  • Exclusive access to industry experts…
    Like our dedicated bone health expert and AlgaeCal Community Leader, Lara Pizzorno.

    Lara is the best-selling author of the landmark book Your Bones. She’s a sought-after speaker and bone health expert. And she also used AlgaeCal and her own research to overcome bone loss.

    Now, for the first time ever, Lara is available to share her sage advice and answer your questions in The AlgaeCal Community.

    Plus, you’ll enjoy other experts dropping in from time to time, including researchers, doctors, physical trainers, and more.

  • Exclusive bone-building exercise videos just for community members. (Easy enough for beginners but effective for everyone.)
  • Members-only recipes for healthy, delicious bone-supporting meals. (Some can be made start-to-finish in just 15 minutes!)
  • Monthly “Ask Lara” live video sessions
    Bone health expert Lara Pizzorno goes live to reveal the latest news and cutting edge research on bone health.
  • Membership to a peer group of over 20,000 people who are all on this bone-building journey with you (some of whom may become lifelong friends!)
    Confide in others who understand your challenges, and who are in—or have been in—the same boat as you. Laugh, learn, and even cry with one another as you continue on your bone health journey and keep one another inspired.
  • Exclusive giveaways and recognition
    Cash in on the occasional prize draw and giveaway, and celebrate fellow members’ accomplishments as they celebrate yours!

… and much more!

As an AlgaeCal customer, you already have FREE lifetime access to all the benefits above. All you have to do now is join the group.

Here’s How To Join:

If you’re already an AlgaeCal customer, just follow these 3 easy steps:

Step 1

Click on the following link →

Step 2

Click the “Join Group” button pictured below. (If you don’t have a Facebook account, you can create one for free. Once you’ve done that, return to this page and start at Step 1 above.)

Join the AlgaeCal Community

Step 3

We’ll manually accept your request as soon as possible (keep an eye on your Facebook account for a notification). Once your request is approved, you can jump right into the group and start enjoying all the benefits!

What if you’re not an AlgaeCal customer?

Become a customer today and you’ll immediately qualify to join this first-of-its-kind community. Please explore our Products page and try any one of our products, risk-free. Plus, you’ll improve your health in the process.

Join Today. It’s Free!

Lifetime access to The AlgaeCal Community is free for all AlgaeCal customers. But that’s why joining is easy to put off for another day…

So join today, while it’s on your mind, by clicking the “Join Now” button below.

Just think… you may get advice that could fast-track your own bone-building goals. Or, you could feel the joy that comes from helping someone in need through a trying time. That’s the beauty of The AlgaeCal Community. And it’s why we’d LOVE to have you with us!

So click the “Join Now” button now.