Four Doctors Discuss the Benefits of Plant Calcium

Updated: September 14, 2018

Raising Awareness for National Osteoporosis Month

Four doctors: Gil Kaats, Larry May, Robert Thompson and Marcus Laux discuss the benefits of plant calcium, specifically AlgaeCal, over typical rock-sourced calcium supplements.

Dr. Gilbert R Kaats, PhD, Chairman and CEO of Integrative Health Technologies, Inc., says:  “I don’t think everyone should be taking calcium that’s derived from rocks. The standard forms of calcium [rock based] I have some real concern- and that concern has grown over the years as I’ve looked at the literature more and more.”

Dr. Robert Thompson a board-certified obstetrician and gynecologist who practices in Soldotna and Anchorage, Alaska, about plant calcium states: (It is) “certainly the best source of calcium we can provide to our patients…it provides over 1600 mg of trace minerals and over 700 mg of calcium and supplies our daily needs beautifully.”

Dr. Lawrence A. May is an American physician, author and public speaker. He was voted one of the Best Doctors in Los Angeles and one of the Best Doctors in America by Los Angeles Magazine. “In the search for the best for my patients, and the best for products to formulate, I found that one product, an algae-derived calcium, has actually done studies that demonstrated modest but definitely positive improvement, something that has been lacking in the studies of calcium citrate and calcium carbonate.”

And Dr. Marcus Laux a world renowned expert in natural medicine and a licensed naturopathic physician believes “plant based calcium is uniquely supported by significant science. Tests show it is better absorbed by our bodies.”

If you want to learn more about AlgaeCal and the results that people have experienced, visit our customer success stories page.

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PhD, CNS, FACN, IFMP, BCHN, LDN - Professor and Director of Academic Development, Nutrition programs in Clinical Nutrition at Maryland University of Integrative Health.,
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PHD, MBA - Head of Research & Development Center of Bone Diseases, Lausanne University Hospital CHUV, Switzerland,